Why is document storage required?

There are large numbers of businesses and organizations who still have information stored as paper records. One survey showed that about 90% of some business information is still in paper form. Hard copies of paper files can take up lots of space and require careful management so that files can be found easily and quickly when they are needed. Despite the advent of the ‘Paperless office’ the amount of paperwork that needs to be stored does not appear to be reducing as much as one might have expected. Expensive office space is not best suited to the storage of old files and paperwork which may only need to be referred to occasionally. Often old files can cause clutter and make the workplace untidy, one simple solution is to store these files off site at a dedicated document storage facility.

How can off-site storage help your organization?

If your organization finds itself in a situation where you have too many documents in your office to handle easily and efficiently, off-site storage is a good option to look into. You may need to free up more office space for expansion without having to take on more costly space or move to new premises. Outsourcing your storage requirements to a specialist document storage company who are fully equipped to look after your files in a secure environment makes sense, and is a cost effective solution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3570396


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